There are a large percentage of people that cannot stand to workout. They hate everything about it and try to avoid it at all costs. This can stem from a couple of different directions; someone could be afraid of injury, they might see posts on Instagram and feel intimidated, or just don’t want to do the work on top of a full workload for the day. Working out at the gym isn’t for everyone, but it is still important to get our exercises in. Here we’ll go over some forms of exercise that do not require you to go to the gym or even require a ton of effort, as well as taking the perspective of a personal trainer.
In my opinion there is no doubt that one of the best forms of medicine is exercise. Exercise goes much further than just building strength and changing overall body appearance. Check out the Effects of Exercise blog for more on the underlying aspects of exercising. Exercise isn’t just hitting the weights and straining the body, you can do cognitive exercises to exercise your brain. Cognitive exercises can aid in preventing Alzheimer’s. For people that hate exercise try throwing one or more of these into your daily routine.
· Go for a walk during sunset
· Pick 5 simple stretches to do everyday
· Read a book
· Play word games
· Pushups on the counter while waiting for coffee
· Stand on one foot while brushing your teeth
The key is consistency; exercise does not have to be something you hate! Pick a few forms of exercise that you enjoy and do them everyday.
From the personal trainer point of view it is your job to be honest and upfront with your client before you begin your training together. Just be aware that our passion is fitness and that’s why we are in this profession, but some clients do not have that mindset. It is extremely important to understand and relate to your clients. I have had many clients tell me they only exercise because they have to or that they hate exercise, but it needs to be done. With an established relationship between the client and yourself, you job is to make it interesting and fun. If the exercises are fun, but still accomplishing all of their specific goals it changes exercise from a chore to a breeze.
You just met a potential client and they tell you that they hate exercise you have to be honest with them. As a trainer you have to know your style and whom you are looking to train. When you are upfront and honest with the potential client you may lose that client, but you have to look past the numbers. A client with no desire to workout and no motivation can occasionally be draining, it’s the one-hour of the day that you dread going into because of the lack of motivation and attitude. Being honest in the beginning might show that you and the client don’t connect and that’s perfectly fine. Talk to your clients, be honest with your clients, and make it fun and enjoyable for your client.